Five Element Acupuncture: Questions and Answers

What is acupuncture?

The analogy of a table with a weak leg, piled with papers, is useful for understanding this approach. The table under no strain will stand and look fine, but if you lean against it, it may wobble or papers may slide off the table--these are the symptoms.In Five Element Acupuncture, our goal is to resecure the leg so the body will better deal with strain on any level: body, mind, or spirit. By mending the broken leg, the body will not be so easily knocked off-balance. Five Element Acupuncture acts as a catalyst to the natural healing process. It allows us to heal while creating a vibrant sense of well-being.

Most people using acupuncture discover that several things have improved, not just the main problem that led them to seek treatment.

Who sees acupuncturists? Is it right for you?

Acupuncture has been used by many people as a preventative measure, helping them maintain optimum health. Some integrate acupuncture treatments with more traditional Western medical treatments for a wide variety of ailments. Others use acupuncture exclusively to aid in the healing of chronic health problems, often finding relief with acupuncture when other treatments have failed.The basis of acupuncture is to regain equilibrium; therefore, the sufferer of a common cold will find equal value in treatment as a patient with a more chronic condition. For sadness, stress, anxiety, frustration, or when at a crossroads in life, Five Element Acupuncture may be very healing at an emotional or a spiritual level as well. It is common for our ailments to result from not only physical but also mental or spiritual dis-ease.

How do you know when it is working?

Although immediate results may be seen, the body may require some time to strengthen through acupuncture treatment for problems to be fully relieved. Other bodily functions may change as well, for instance appetite, digestion, regularity, state of mind, and physical pains. In our first session we will define these mile markers. As the treatment continues and homeostasis re-establishes itself, the body will hold treatment longer and we will assess the changes in the mile markers.The art of Chinese pulse taking allows us to assess the state of health. As you become healthier, the pulses reflect the changes.

Does it hurt?

Fear of needles is often the biggest obstacle to acupuncture for many people. It needn't be. The needles are tiny, slim as a hair, and don't go in far. It is not similar to receiving an injection.

It's safe!

The needles are sterile, disposable, and made of surgical steel. They are used once and thrown away. AIDS, hepatitis, and other diseases cannot be spread in this way. Needles do not penetrate deeply enough to damage internal organs. People usually leave feeling calm and relaxed.

Acupuncture for weight loss

How to become thin? There are many ideas on how to lose weight. Many of us tried and failed. The idea is so simple, but it is difficult to follow.

We try portion controls that put less food in the dish, making 200-300 kcal less a week. We try to eat food that contains lots of fiber to make digestion slow and not feel hungry.
We try to eat less fat food, and carbohydrates. 

We also try exercising, but it only lasts a couple of days. 
We try to cut drinking soda and drink water instead. 
The problem is all ideas are hard to keep everyday.

The next question is how to do it. Some complain, “I don’t eat much, but I am gaining weight.” Some say that even though they do want to exercise, they don’t have any energy to exercise. Some complain that they want to eat less, but as soon as I put my spoon on the table, they become hungry. Everyone has different symptoms, so we need different approaches for different people.

Excessive typeDampness and heat are accumulated in the body. The first thing to do is to remove dampness and heat because these may transform into phlegm and blood stasis. These are more serious problems. This type must avoid taking fat, trans-fat and sweet food. Obviously this type must eat less. Exercise must be a vigorous one. Acupuncture  are required in order to remove dampness, heat, phlegm and blood stasis.

Acupuncture help weight loss. Have you ever experienced this situation?You wake up in the morning and eat breakfast and go back to bed. When you wake up at noon, you become hungry. Why? What happened? You didn’t exercise. All you did was sleep. Why do you feel hungry? Even while we sleep, all body organs continue to work. We have to breathe. Blood circulation continues. These functions require energy and burn calories. The normal body consumes most of the energy to keep our body alive. Therefore we must increase the body’s organ functions and let it consume more calories and become healthy. Surgery such as liposuction may be a temporary relief, but unless the original causes are corrected, the body may go back to the way it was before surgery.

We suggest acupuncture with all other methods mentioned above to get better results.

Some are born heavy in weight, but are healthy from birth and they stay this way. This could be normal. 
When we were young, we were normal in weight. When time passes and obesity follows, this is a trouble sign. Finding the cause of obesity and how to solve it will be a first step for a slim body.

We can help you to give you a slim and healthy body.

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